【SET192】Go stone and Go bowl Set [Size30, Indian Rosewood]
It is a set product of Go Stones and Go bowls.
We will offer it at a reasonable price.
<Go Stones, Made from Mexican Clamshells> (Original price: ¥46,000)
・Snow Grade, Size 30
・White Stones:180 pcs, Thickness >8.0mm
・Black Stones:181 pcs, Thickness >8.3mm
Blossom Grade Go stones are pure white, with striped patterns unique to clamshells. They are flawless and authentic.
Include spare Go stones (black & white, two of each) and quality certification.
<Go Bowls> (Original price: ¥13,000)
・Indian Rosewood
・Size XL
・Size of Stones: XL, Size of 30~35
Made of one of the precious wood from Southeast Asia, Indian Rosewood Go bowls are in darker reddish-brown with a glossy surface and a striking grain narrowly interlocked. Moreover, they are rated highly durable, and the moisture content of the wood remains steady.
Product content
・Clamshell Go Stones (Made from Mexican Clamshells),Snow Grade, Size 30, Nachiguro Slate Black Stones included
・Go Bowls (Indian Rosewood)
Spare Go stones (black & white, two of each),
Quality Certification(Stones)