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 The Grade of Go Stones

The evaluation criteria of Go stones are different between the ones
made from Hyuga Suwabute clamshells and Mexican clamshells.

Legendary Hyuga Clamshell Go Stones
The grade of Hyuga clamshell Go stones is based on its pure whiteness. The purer the whiteness, the higher the price.

Snow grade has the purest whiteness, followed by Moon and flower grade.

Snow Grade-Moon Grade-flower Grade
日向特産証明書 開ページ_(サンプル)_R.JPG

Include quality certification of Hyuga clamshell Go stones.

Delivered in a special paulownia box for Hyuga clamshell Go stones.

Hyuga's Traditional Handcraft Go Stones (Made from Mexican Clamshells)
The grade of Hyuga's traditional handcraft Go stones (made from Mexican clamshells) is based on its stripe pattern. The more stripes, the more valuable it is.

Snow grade has the most stripes, followed by Moon and Blossom grade.

Snow Grade-Moon Grade-Blossom Grade
High←←Stripe Density→→Low

This photo of Hyuga's traditional handcraft Go stones (made from Mexican clamshells) is taken on the lightbox. As it shows, there is a difference among the pattern of its stripes.

日向産雪印透過写真s - コピー.jpg

Snow Grade


Moon Grade


Blossom Grade


Include quality certification of Hyuga's traditional handcraft Go stones (made from Mexican clamshells).

メキシコ産雪(32号~)・月印(36号~)トップ2109_R (2).JPG

Snow Grade, Size 32~
Moon Grade, Size 36~
are packed in a special paulownia box

メキシコ産華,月(~35号),雪(~31号)トップ2109_R (2).JPG

Snow Grade, ~Size 31
Moon Grade, ~Size 35
and Blossom Grade are packed in a paper box.

Size of Go Stones

As you can see in the photo, the size number is according to the thickness of the WHITE stones.

And the black stones are about 0.3 mm thicker than the white ones.

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